R-Undelete run in the Demo mode allows you to evaluate how the software recovers lost files. The Demo mode is fully functional except it has a limitation to recover files larger than 64KB. Graphic files ( see the list ), video and audio files (all files are supported if a proper codec is installed on the system) can be previewed in R-Undelete Demo mode to estimate recovery chances before you pay for the license. R-Undelete can be registered/activated on the fly without program exit or reinstallation. Also, you can create an image file of a hard disk, partition or its part with the found files and write it to another hard disk. As an alternative such image files can be compressed and split into several files to put it on CD/DVD/Flash or FAT16/FAT32. Then the image files can be processed like regular disks by R-UNDELETE or R-STUDIO. You need enough free space on a disk/media to save such image file. R-Undelete Info File Name: run_en_4.exe Download Size: 5.35 MB Date Released: Feb 14 2009 Version: 4.0 build 127542