VIA Machine INF Software User Guide

Updated: 2004.2.23

l            Introduction

l            System Requirements

l            Multilingual Support

l            Distribution Package Contents

l            Installation and Remove

l            Windows UI mode

l            Silent Mode

l            Package Version Identify

l            Verifying Installation of Driver



The user guide intends to show how to install VIA MACHINE INF package and why we need install it.

This setup package is developed by VIA Technologies that have the following features for your convenience.

l            One setup, all system components

n            The setup packages could carry tens software components that your system required.

n            The setup package only needs to reboot once for all components if it is necessary.

l            No more nightmare on downloading multilingual package

n            The package default provide multilingual user interface for over 30 languages.

n            The package support international user interface but have small package size. This technology only needs 7% file size to provide over 30 languages.

n            The setup will present the language of your system automatically.

l            Smart suggestion for component update

n            The setup will detect the present component in this system and compare them with the executed package.

n            If the executed package carries the newer component than this system, then it will suggest you to install it.

l            Clicking, chose components

n            For an advanced user on computer management, now you could have the whole control for installed components. The user interface provides you to select the desired components to be installed or removed.


The purpose of VIA MACHINE INF package is listed as following:

l            Install VIA North Bridge Chips’ Device IDs into OS in order to enable their function.

l            Install VIA AGP Controller Device IDs into OS in order to enable their function

l            Install VIA South Bridge Chips’ Device IDs into OS in order to enable their function.

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System Requirements


l            Hardware

This package should be installed on the system with VIA North Bridge and south bridge chipset. The setup program will not support to be installed on other vendor chipsets.


l            Software

This software package only supports Microsoft Windows© Platforms. The setup program will detect the current platform and install proper driver on your system. The supported platforms are list below:


Windows 95, 98 and Millennium Platforms

Windows 95                             4.00.950 and above

Windows 98                             4.10.1998 and above

Windows Millennium                   RTM and above


Windows NT 32-bits Platforms

Windows 2000                          RTM and above

Windows XP                             RTM and above

Windows Server 2003                RTM and above


Windows NT 64-bits Platform

Windows XP                             RTM and above

Windows Server 2003                RTM and above


Multilingual Supports


The default-supported language in this package is in English.

If the executed Windows OS is in an un-supported language to this package, the user interface will be represented in English.


This setup package support 34 languages as


l            East

Chinese(Simplified),               Chinese (Traditional),                       Indonesian,                      

Japanese,                            Korean,                                         Russian,

Thai,                                   Turkish.                                        

l            West

   Basque,                               Bulgarian,                                      Catalan,

Croatian,                             Czech,                                          Danish,

Dutch,                                 English,                                         Finish,

French(Canada),                   French(France),                              German,

Greek,                                Hungarian,                                     Italian,

Norwegian,                          Polish,                                           Portuguese(Brazi),

Portuguese(Portugal),            Romanian,                                     Serbian,

Slovak,                                Slovenian,                                     Spanish,


 All the language sequence is arranged as alphabetical.

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Distribution Package Contents


In this section, we show the detail file list of ZIP-compressed package in which include setup and driver files.

l            Setup files

0X0409.INI,           INSTMSIA.EXE,          INSTMSIW.EXE,                 ISSCRIPT.MSI,

License.rtf,                 PCIENUM.SYS,                   README.TXT,                     SETUP.EXE,

Setup.ini,                     SETUP.ISS,                        SETUP.MLF,                        SETUP.SCF,

viasetup.dll,               VIASetup.msi

l            Component

n            VIAMACH

VIAMACH \INFDrv.dll,          VIAMACH \INFDrv9x.dll,          VIAMACH \Infx64.exe       VIAMACH \Component.cif

u           Driver files: VIAMACH\DRIVER\

l            Windows Server 2003

SERVER2003\,            SERVER2003\VIAMACH.INF

l            Windows XP

WINXP\,                    WINXP\VIAMACH.INF

l            Windows 2000

WIN2000\,                 WIN2000\VIAMACH.INF

l            Windows Millennium

WINME\,                    WINME\VIAMACH.INF

l            Windows 98SE


l            Windows 98


l            Windows 95


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Installation and Remove


There are two operation modes, Windows UI and command line, to execute installation and remove. The most popular is the Windows UI mode that provides convenient user interface and systematic operation. The command line mode, also called as silent mode, need user append more parameters behind SETUP.EXE as answer to make the setup program silence without pop any dialogs.

There are possible two types setup package you may have. One is compressed as a zip file includes visible setup and driver files. Another one is made as a self-extracted-execution file. In the following, we will show you the steps to complete driver installation and remove with both package types.


l            Windows UI mode

If the downloaded file is ZIP-compressed format, please extract it to proper location in your hard disk first. Then launch the SETUP.EXE by double-clicking. Otherwise, you could double-click the self-extracted-execution file and wait for few seconds for the self-extraction. The extracted file will be deleted automatically after setup has been terminated.


First time execution

If it is the first time to execute the setup package, you will only have the choice of installation.


After the first time execution, you could have choice to make “Update” and “Remove”. You will see two options, “Update” and “Remove” in the first shown dialog. If you are going to update the driver, please active the “Update” radio button and press next button to enter next steps. Else, if you are going to remove the installed driver in your system, please active the “Remove” radio button and press next button to enter next steps.


l            Silent mode

The silent mode are usually applied to system maintainer for servicing hundreds systems that won’t have interactive user interface. They would execute the setup through command line in console or batch file execution without closing any popped dialog popped or pressing next buttons. In addition, the command line parameters of these two types of downloaded file format get few differences.


ZIP-Compressed Package

In this type package, you could see a setup.exe in those extracted files. User could append parameters behind setup.exe as command line in console.

The present command line parameters are: -s and /z"reboot;remove;kompnt:xx,yy,zz"





It is a required command line parameter to enable silent mode operation. If this parameter is missed, the setup


It passes predefined parameters to SETUP.EXE. Each parameter, Param1;…;ParamN, should be separated with semicolons.

The predefined sub-parameters are:


It causes Setup.exe automatically to reboot after the silent mode operation completed.


It is a switch to cause Setup.exe to remove components. If this parameter is absent, then SETUP.EXE will install components.


It is an optional parameter to assign specific component in this package to be install/remove.

The xx,yy,zz should be replaced with component name in which is defined as same as the component folder name of this package.




Command line


setup.exe -s /z"reboot"

Silent install all component and reboot the computer.

setup.exe -s /z"reboot;remove"

Silent uninstall all include component and reboot the computer.

setup.exe –s

Silent install all included components but not reboot the computer.

setup.exe -s /z"remove"

Silent uninstall all components but not reboot the computer.

setup.exe -s /z"kompnt:VIAMACH,VIAUDIO"

Silent install VIAMACH and VIAUDIO components only

setup.exe -s /z"remove;kompnt:VIAMACH,VIAUDIO"

Silent uninstall VIAMACH and VIAUDIO components only


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Self-Extracted-Execution Package

This type is a single self-extracted-execution file. All necessary files are all integrated together so that user does not need to extract it to specific folder for operation. There is extra parameter to make the self-extracted shell to be in silent mode.

The present command line parameters are -s -a, -s and /z"reboot;remove;kompnt:xx,yy,zz"




-s –a

It is a required command line parameter to make the self-extracted shell program to be in silent mode. And it should be the first parameter in command line.


It is a required command line parameter to enable silent mode operation. If this parameter is missed, the setup would not executive in silent mode


It passes predefined parameters to SETUP.EXE. Each parameter, Param1;…;ParamN, should be separated with semicolons.

The predefined sub-parameters are:


It causes Setup.exe automatically to reboot after the silent mode operation completed.


It is a switch to cause Setup.exe to remove components. If this parameter is absent, then SETUP.EXE will install components.


It is an optional parameter to assign specific component in this package to be install/remove.

The xx,yy,zz should be replaced with component name in which is defined as same as the component folder name of this package.




We assume that you download a self-extracted-execution file named as IDE_MPD0001.exe.

Command line


VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s /z"reboot"    

Silent install all component and reboot the computer.

VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s /z"reboot;remove"

Silent uninstall all include component and reboot the computer.

VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s

Silent install all included components but not reboot the computer.

VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s /z"remove"    

Silent uninstall all components but not reboot the computer.

VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s /z"kompnt:VIAMACH,VIAUDIO"

Silent install VIAMACH and VIAUDIO components only

VIAINFXXX.exe -s -a -s /z"remove;kompnt:VIAMACH,VIAUDIO"

Silent uninstall VIAMACH and VIAUDIO components only


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Package Version Identify


The setup program will display the released data and version for this package.

There is specific version syntax for package identification:

l            Version field: X.YY

The X is the major version of this package; and YY represents the minor version.

l            A, B, C…

It is always appended after version field to represent the qualified by Windows Hardware Qualification Lab. The A means the first package for the same driver binary, B means the second released package for the same driver binary, and so on.

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Verifying Installation of Driver

Please follow the steps to verify the installed driver of VIA Machine INF:

1.      Open "Control Panel" from "Start Menu -> Settings".

2.      Open "System" in "Control Panel" and select the "Device Manager".

3.      Select "System" and check if the "VIA Standard Host Bridge" &

l           "VIA CPU to AGP Controller" & "VIA Standard PCI to ISA Bridge" 

l           Controller exists or not.

4.      If it is then your installation is successful.


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The package can’t removed


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