[dialog1] title=指定手冊的語言 label1=選擇語言 label2=確定 label3=取消 [dialog2] title=選擇手冊 label1=選擇使用的作業系統 label2=選擇手冊 label3=確定 label4=取消 [dialog3] title=選擇手冊 label1=選擇手冊 label2=確定 label3=取消 #Translation not necessary [dialog4] title=Manual Section B label1=Manual Selection A label2=OK label3=CANCEL #Translation not necessary [dialog5] title=Manual Section label1=Selection of OS Being Used label2=OK label3=CANCEL [dialog10] title=手冊安裝 label1=\n\n 正在安裝手冊。\n\n 請稍候... [message] msg1=開啟此手冊,您需要使用網頁瀏覽器,例如Internet Explorer或者Netscape Navigator(Communicator)。 msg2=使用Internet Explore 4.0或更高版本,或者使用Netscape Navigator 4.0(Communicator)或更高版本,此手冊的顯示效果最佳。此手冊可能在您目前使用的瀏覽器下無法正常瀏覽。您是否繼續瀏覽此手冊? msg3=是否將手冊安裝到您的電腦上?如果您安裝此手冊,從下一次開始不使用CD-ROM也能顯示手冊內容。 msg4=瀏覽器啟動失敗。 msg5=請指定安裝目錄。 msg6=安裝將被取消。 msg7=發生錯誤。安裝將被取消。 msg8=硬碟空間不足。您必須保留%dMB可用硬碟空間來安裝此手冊。確保足夠的硬碟空間後重新安裝。 msg9=新手冊已經安裝結束。是否開啟已經安裝的手冊? msg10=安裝失敗。 msg11=是否開啟已經安裝的手冊? msg12=新手冊已經安裝結束。已經安裝的手冊無法再被安裝。 msg13=當開啟一個手冊時,您不能選擇多個手冊。 msg14=指定安裝目錄 msg15=正在複製%s。 msg16=安裝被取消或失敗。 msg17=解除安裝 msg18=手冊安裝結束。 msg19=刪除全部手冊。確定嗎? msg20=正在解除安裝... msg21=手冊已開啟。請關閉手冊並重試。 [system] alt1=The section name of StartHtm.ini was not set correctly. Set the section name correctly. (Err:1) alt2=The keyword name of StartHtm.ini was not set correctly. Set the keyword name correctly. (Err:2) alt3=Memory cannot be allocated. Processing cannot continue. (Err:3) alt4=The language that you selected in the language selection dialog box does not match the directory configuration of the CD or does not exist. (Err:4) alt5=The path that was specified as the manual identification name in [contens-path] section of StartHtm.ini cannot be found. (Err:5) alt6=The configuration of the path that was specified as the manual identification name in the [contens-path] section of StartHtm.ini is incorrect. (Err:6) alt7=The configuration of the manual identification name in the [contens-path] section of StartHtm.ini is incorrect. (Err:7) alt8=Messages cannot be required because the message file does not contain an appropriate section. (Err:8) alt9=The language information in the third parameter does not match the language directory that was prepared on the CD. (Err:9) alt10=The WWWMENU folder that should have been prepared on the CD cannot be found or cannot be copied. ( Err:10) alt11=The program cannot operate because the [contents] section of StartHtm.ini does not contain a language setting. ( Err: 11 )