(Joymania Development and CDV Software Entertainment AG / 2003) Technical specifications: - Windows© 98/ME/2000/XP - Intel© or AMD© Processor with 450 MHz - DirectX© 8.1 - 3D Video Accelerator Card e.g. TNT2, ATI Radeon, GeForce Series - 128 MB RAM - 30 MB free disc space - Soundcard with DirectX© support Starting the game: Under Start/Program Files/Rosso Rabbit in Trouble click on the respective icon. The menus: Start Game - Start a new game. You can select various chapters, but you will have to activate them first. ... Highscores - View a list of the best players along with their scores. Options - Customize volume and controls and choose a language. Quit - Exit the game and quit to the Windows desktop. Keyboard controls: - Move the character with the cursor keys. - Jump with Space. Press Space a second time while in the air to do a double jump. It is not necessarily helpful to do the second jump at the highest point in the air - just try it out a little bit. Mouse controls: - Move the character with the right mouse button or, alternatively, with the cursor keys. - Jump with the left mouse button. Joystick/game pad controls: - Move the character with the primary stick. - Jump with the primary or secondary firing button. Internet firewall configuration: If you are behind a firewall it is necessary to open port 7000 in order to upload your highscores. Credits: JOYMANIA Development Programming: Peter Ohlmann Graphic and level design: Adam Sprys Music: Philipp aus dem Siepen CDV Software Entertainment AG Senior Producer Achim "Rosso" Heidelauf Development Director Dirk Weber Website and logo graphics Oliver Krainh”fner, Robert Krasky, Christina Gorenflo Texts Stefan Linder, Oliver Koch, Jennifer Letki Press Daniel "Seepferdchen" Oberlerchner PR & Marketing Director Eric Standop Quality Assurance Peter Oehler, Reinhard Mller, Andre Dordel, Per Piper, Thorsten Weinstein, Tony Bernardin Many thanks to: Adrian Alonso, Gven Altun, Vera Ammann, Wendy Beasley, Gregor Bellmann, Heiko & Simone Bender, Tony Bernardin, Sonja Bhring, Frederic Cremer, Karin Daiá, Martin Deppe, Andre Dordel, Thorsten Feld, Wolfgang G„bler, Mario Gerhold, Christina Gorenflo, David Green, Elisabeth "Rote Schleife" Greger, Harald Grnberger, Daniel Grunder, Judith Heidelauf, Thomas Heil, Thomas Heilbronner, Frank Heim, Dunja Heldmaier, Tobias Henken, Stefan Hertrich, Dietmar Heá, Daniel J„nsch, Oliver Koch, Dennis Kr„tz, Oliver Krainh”fner (2,53x), Tom Kr”ll, Jennifer Letki, Benita Liebel, Sebastian Lindig, Martin L”hlein, Mazza, Sebastian Merkel, Gabor Modos, Yasmin Mller, Andreas Nitsche, Daniel Oberlerchner, Peter Oehler, Aleksander Opatic, Paris - www.guerrillafunk.com, S‚bastien Pensivy, Per Piper, Thomas Pottk„mper & Related Designs, Axel Rathgeber, Pascal Renschler, Milene Rijcken, Sven Schmidt, Daniel Sch”mperlen, Stefan Schreiber, Eric Schreiber, Christian Schpf, Fabian aus dem Siepen, Oliver Silski, Davin Spak, Gustaf Stechmann, Thomas Steg, Sara Stehlin, Tom@Stormregion, Christian Treiling, Bogdan Trifan, Jochen von Nida, Shirley W. L. Hui, Dirk Weber, Leo Zullo, Rafal Walczowski, Torsten Weinstein Contact: CDV Software Entertainment AG Neureuter Str. 37b 76185 Karlsruhe Germany http://www.cdv.de Tel.: 0721-97224-0 Fax: 0721-97224-24 Enjoy the game! The Joymania and CDV team END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you, the USER, ("User" or "You"), and CDV Software Entertainment USA, Inc. ("CDV"). CAREFULLY READ ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT PRIOR TO INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT ("SOFTWARE"). BY INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This Agreement between CDV and You sets forth the terms and conditions of your use of the Software and Documentation. LIMITED LICENSE This Agreement sets forth USER's rights to use the software (the "Software"), and the documentation accompanying the Software, if any (the "Documentation"), each of which comprises certain proprietary material of CDV. Collectively, the Software and Documentation are referred to in this Agreement as the "Licensed Product". The Software and Documentation are licensed, not sold, to USER subject to the terms of this Agreement. CDV grants to USER the limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right to copy and use the Licensed Product for USER's individual use only. UNDER THIS LICENSE, USER MAY: * Install and use the Software for USER's individual use only; and * Make a copy of the Software for back-up purposes. USER SHALL NOT: * Rent, lease, sublicense, timeshare, copy or otherwise distribute the Licensed Product for any purpose; * Use, copy or transfer copies of the Licensed Product, except as provided in this Agreement; * Remove or modify any proprietary notices, company names, logos or other labels or symbols on the Licensed Product; or * Disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer the Licensed Product in order to discover the source code or related proprietary information and trade secrets, or have a third party do so; or PROPRIETARY RIGHTS CDV and/or its third-party suppliers own all proprietary rights, including all copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, in the Licensed Product and related to the Licensed Product. The Software source code and related proprietary information and trade secrets are not licensed to USER, and any modification, addition or deletion is strictly prohibited. USER agrees to include in all copies of the Software all copyright and proprietary notices. CDV reserves all rights not expressly granted to USER. LIMITED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SET FORTH HEREIN, THE LICENSED PRODUCT IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES THAT IT IS MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING, ALL OF WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT ARE BORNE BY USER. SHOULD THE LICENSED PRODUCT PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, USER, AND NOT CDV OR ITS SUPPLIERS OR DISTRIBUTORS, ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COST OF ANY SERVICE AND REPAIR. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. NO USE OF THE LICENSED PRODUCT IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS DISCLAIMER. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL CDV OR ITS THIRD-PARTY SUPPLIERS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE LICENSED PRODUCT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF GOOD WILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF, AND REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY (CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) UPON WHICH THE CLAIM IS BASED. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS EXCLUSION AND LIMITATION MAY NOT BE APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, IN NO EVENT SHALL CDV BE LIABLE TO USER IN ANY AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE AMOUNT OF THE LICENSE FEE PAID TO CDV. EXPORT CONTROL USER agrees to comply with all export laws and restrictions and regulations of the United States of America or foreign agencies or authorities, and not to export or re-export the Licensed Product in violation of any such restrictions, laws or regulations, without all necessary approvals. CDV makes no warranty relating to exportability of the Software to any country. GENERAL PROVISIONS Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding between USER and CDV with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be amended only in a writing signed by both parties. No vendor, distributor, dealer, retailer, sales person or other person is authorized to modify this Agreement or to make any warranty, representation or promise which is different than, or in addition to, the representations or promises of this Agreement. Other. No waiver of any right under this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing, signed by a duly authorized representative of CDV. Failure to insist upon strict compliance with this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any future right arising out of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of California without regard to any conflict of law provisions. The parties agree that any dispute relating to this Agreement or its subject matter shall be submitted to exclusive, binding arbitration held in Los Angeles, California under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable, and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never been a part of this Agreement. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement, and any such attempted assignment or transfer shall be null and void. The prevailing party in any action to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees from the other party. Copyright (c) 2002 CDV Software Entertainment USA, Inc. Version 1.0 Revised April 2002